RSI President Patty Long Appointed to Surface Transportation Board Passenger Rail Advisory Committee

WASHINGTON, DC – Last week, RSI President Patty long was appointed by Surface Transportation Board (the Board) Chairman Martin J. Oberman to the Passenger Rail Advisory Committee (PRAC). 

RSI President Patty Long released the following statement on her appointment:

“I am thrilled to represent RSI and railway suppliers on the Passenger Rail Advisory Committee, and I appreciate Chairman Oberman’s and the Board’s interest in hearing the perspective from our industry. This committee is an important step toward addressing critical issues facing the development and operation of passenger rail services,” said Long. “RSI represents passenger rail suppliers and is investing in advocacy to ensure the long-term security of the U.S. passenger rail industry. Having a seat at the table with other industry leaders is a fantastic first step toward realizing these goals.”

The Board announced the creation of the PRAC to “provide advice and guidance to the Board on passenger rail issues on a continuing basis to help the Board better fulfill its statutory responsibilities in overseeing certain aspects of passenger rail service.”

Long will represent the rail supply industry on one of three at-large seats reserved for relevant industry sectors.

“The passenger rail industry is a vital economic driver within the U.S. rail transportation system, and suppliers are the lifeblood that produce billions of dollars in capital investments and more,” added the RSI President. “We are excited about this opportunity to ensure their interests are adequately represented as we work with the Board to continue improving passenger rail service.”


About the Railway Supply Institute (RSI)

The Railway Supply Institute (RSI) is dedicated to advancing safety, innovation, technology, and sustainability within the freight and passenger railway supplier industry, both in North America and global markets. As the voice of the industry, RSI strategically engages in critical and urgent industry matters by leveraging the technical expertise of our members to advocate in the legislative and regulatory arenas, foster education, host impactful events, and facilitate networking opportunities. For more information visit, follow RSI on Twitter and LinkedIn.

About the Railway Supply Institute (RSI)
The Railway Supply Institute (RSI) is dedicated to advancing safety, innovation, technology, and sustainability within the freight and passenger railway supplier industry, both in North America and global markets. As the voice of the industry, RSI strategically engages in critical and urgent industry matters by leveraging the technical expertise of our members to advocate in the legislative and regulatory arenas, foster education, host impactful events, and facilitate networking opportunities. For more information visit, follow RSI on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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