Rep. Scott Perry tours RSI member company Amsted Rail in Camp Hill

On July 31, 2019, Railway Supply Institute (RSI) member company Amsted Rail hosted Congressman Scott Perry (R-PA) for a tour of Amsted Rail’s cushion unit and locomotive draft gear facility in Camp hill, Pennsylvania. 

Perry, a member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s Railroad Subcommittee, has represented the region since 2013. Following introductory comments and a Q&A session by Congressman Perry and Amsted Rail employees, attendees joined the Congressman for a tour of the facility to highlight the importance of the rail supply industry on Pennsylvania’s economy.

“Railroading is one of Pennsylvania’s foundational industries and with 60 different railroads crisscrossing the Commonwealth today, it continues to connect our manufacturers and farmers, strengthening the fabric of our state economy,” said Rep. Perry. “It’s especially interesting to get an up-close look at how Amsted Rail makes the components that actually form the foundation of such an important industry right here in Camp Hill.”

In addition to several senior executives of Amsted Rail, the tour group also included representatives from the Railway Supply InstituteGoRail, and the American Association of Railroads.

About the Railway Supply Institute (RSI)
The Railway Supply Institute (RSI) is dedicated to advancing safety, innovation, technology, and sustainability within the freight and passenger railway supplier industry, both in North America and global markets. As the voice of the industry, RSI strategically engages in critical and urgent industry matters by leveraging the technical expertise of our members to advocate in the legislative and regulatory arenas, foster education, host impactful events, and facilitate networking opportunities. For more information visit, follow RSI on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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