RSI Commends Congress for Passage of H.R. 3317 to Strengthen National Security and Domestic Rail Industry

Washington, D.C. – May 22, 2024 – Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 3317, the Rolling Stock Protection Act, taking a significant step toward protecting national security and the domestic rail industry. This legislation closes a loophole allowing grandfathered public transportation agencies to use federal funds to procure rolling stock from Chinese state-owned enterprises […]

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‘Speaking to Every Corner of the Industry’: A Conversation With RSI Board Member Jeremy Erickson In this video interview, we sit down with Jeremy Erickson, COO of Messiah Locomotive Service and RSI Board Member, to get some insight into his world. Jeremy shares how his company makes the most of tradeshow events, using them to build connections that drive their business forward. He also talks about the benefits of […]

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RSI President Patty Long Appointed to Surface Transportation Board Passenger Rail Advisory Committee

WASHINGTON, DC – Last week, RSI President Patty long was appointed by Surface Transportation Board (the Board) Chairman Martin J. Oberman to the Passenger Rail Advisory Committee (PRAC).  RSI President Patty Long released the following statement on her appointment: “I am thrilled to represent RSI and railway suppliers on the Passenger Rail Advisory Committee, and I […]

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Rail Safety Is Everyone’s Business

In today’s complex, interconnected landscape of modern transportation, rail remains a key pillar for the movement of goods in support of households and businesses. It is essential in transporting raw materials and goods that the public does not often think twice about but are integral to the innerworkings of our society. What does tend to […]

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RSI Announces Support of FRA Proposed Rule on Freight Car Certification

Washington, D.C. – This week, the Railway Supply Institute (RSI) submitted comments to the Federal Railroad Administration’s (FRA) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Freight Car Safety Standards Implementing the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. RSI President Patty Long released the following statement in support of the proposed rule: “The Railway Supply Institute is pleased with the […]

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RSI Volunteers Make Strides for a Strong 2024

Last year, the Railway Supply Institute (RSI) and the rail community experienced its fair share of challenges and successes. Notable among the highs were strides made by RSI committees to educate the public and advocate for greater industry safety. As we move into 2024 with renewed momentum, RSI is shining a light on a few […]

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