Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Response & Resources

March 6, 2020 

As the spread of the COVID-19 continues to impact markets and supply chains, RSI is closely monitoring the government’s response and the disease’s impact on RSI member companies. While the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has stated that the risk to the American public remains low, we encourage all members to consider the virus and it’s potential impact on your operations and employees. We recommend that all of our members stay up-to-date with the latest guidance from government officials and are prepared to make adjustments to your sick leave, telework, and travel policies as needed. 

According to the CDC, here’s what we know so far:

  • For most of the American public, who are unlikely to be exposed to this virus at this time, the immediate health risk from COVID-19 is considered low.
  • People in communities where ongoing community spread with the virus that causes COVID-19 has been reported are at elevated, though still relatively low risk of exposure.
  • Healthcare workers caring for patients with COVID-19 are at elevated risk of exposure.
  • Close contacts of persons with COVID-19 also are at elevated risk of exposure.
  • Travelers returning from affected international locations where community spread is occurring also are at elevated risk of exposure.

 Below, we have included best practice resources from the CDC, Department of Labor, and the National Association of Manufacturers:

 As of now, we have not cancelled any upcoming RSI events, though we are taking steps to limit staff travel where possible. We will continue to keep members informed should the virus impact any of our currently scheduled events, particularly in regards to our May 14 Rail Innovation Forum on Capitol Hill and our RSI Conference in September in Chicago.

About the Railway Supply Institute (RSI)
The Railway Supply Institute (RSI) is dedicated to advancing safety, innovation, technology, and sustainability within the freight and passenger railway supplier industry, both in North America and global markets. As the voice of the industry, RSI strategically engages in critical and urgent industry matters by leveraging the technical expertise of our members to advocate in the legislative and regulatory arenas, foster education, host impactful events, and facilitate networking opportunities. For more information visit, follow RSI on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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