- Visibility & Industry Recognition: RSI provides your company additional exposure and recognition within the railway supply community through our online member directory, our annual membership directory, and our monthly newsletter.
- Trade shows & Industry Events: Our trade shows, Railway Interchange and the RSI Rail Expo provide members exhibiting a premier platform to showcase their organization’s products and services to industry leaders. RSI members receive significant discounts and priority placement when exhibiting at these events. Learn more.
- Advocacy: RSI is the only association that advocates exclusively on the behalf of railway suppliers in Washington, DC. Lead by RSI’s Vice President of Government Affairs, Nicole Brewin, RSI has forged effective relationships on Capitol Hill, the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Administration, allowing our members a strong voice on critical issues effecting their businesses. Learn more.
- Industry Committees: RSI’s industry committees allow members to become involved in specific industry segments, often improving on industry standards and targeting key issues effecting those segments. Learn more.
- Industry Knowledge & News: RSI’s newsletters, press releases, and industry alerts keep our members up to date on important news and events pertinent to the railway supply industry.